<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
Before we begin, please take the time to relfect on what has been troubling you recently.
You've been working really hard, and you need to reduce your stress levels.
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[Take some deep breaths.]
Now, tell me, what is overwhelming you?
Could it be...
[[School]]<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
I'm sorry to hear that work is overwhelming you. I'm sure you are a valuable member of the team. This factor often stresses most people, and many of them are not yet capable of handling the work load assigned to them, but you ARE strong, you ARE capable, and you WILL get over this feeling of doubt.
What about work is troubling you...
[[Low Hours]]
[[Workaholic Mentality]]
[[Management Issues]]
[[Trouble with co-workers]]<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
School is a factor that tends to bring in a lot of stress. Whether you are just beginning, or almost done, the outcome is going to be positive.
What about school seems to be pressuring you...
[[Undecided majors/goals]]<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
Company hours get cut all the time, and that leaves hard workers such as yourself with low hours.
Low hours means that the upcoming check may not be enough to pay any of your bills, let alone save for the future; a very troubling factor indeed.
Worry not, for I have provided some tips for you to try at your own leisure
Please, click below, whenever you are ready.
[[Tips/Advice]]<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
Perhaps you consider yourself to be //"married to your work."//
It is okay to want to get things done, and to have great work ethic, especially when it means you are getting paid to do so; however, it is also important to take care of yourself, and make sure you are balancing all portions of your life.
Take a second, and think to yourself.
When was the last time you treated yourself to some rest and relaxation?
When was the last time you went on a vacation?
When was the last time you had a break from anything work related?
Chances are it has been a while, and some quality time for yourself is long overdue.
When you are ready to know how you can relax, [[Follow Me]]<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
Often times, your managers may be causing you and others some trouble in the work palce.
Take a minute to reflect, what your manager(s) have been troubling you for?
Perhaps, its your work ethic? Maybe, try putting more effort into your job, because you are apart of a team, who's goal during the work day is to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible
Perhaps, they are the issue? Maybe, there is an issue they deliver to the team, or yourself? If that is the case, I suggest that you sit down with your management team and talk out the issues, so that everyone may come to a safe and positive conclusion, that will not only benefit you, but the team as a whole.
If you believe the issue is more extreme, then it is best if you contact your Human Resources Department and discuss solutions with them.
Please continue to the [[It's fine: Problem Solved]] segment.<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
You may not get along with some people, especially in the work place; however, it is important that you tolerate them in order for the team to properly function.
Consider these tips:
* Come to common ground or a point of understanding with the Co-worker that is troubling you.
* If the situation is intolerable, consider speaking with management about a different schedule.
* If the situation is extreme, consider speaking with your Human Resources Department.
* Consider finding a different job.
Take some time for you to calm down, and reflect on your current situation, and once you are ready we can [[move on]].<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
As student, you will encounter teachers that you enjoy, and others that you won't enjoy.
Your education is important, and if you feel that your teacher isn't doing the best at delivering the information needed for you to succeed, then take a look at the following options:
* Ask for tutoring options.
* Consider reteaking the class with another teacher.
* Talk to your current teacher politely suggesting a better approach to delivering information.
If you feel as if your teacher is not responding well to the above listed options, and you are recieving negative feedback, then talk to your dean or principal regarding your concerns.
After reviewing your options, take a moment to finish up your stress reduction in out final segment, [[It's fine: Problem Solved]].<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
As you progress in school, the assignments become more intense, and the workload gets even bigger.
This will produce high stress levels, especially during testing periods.
During moments of doubt, recognize how far you have you have come. Some people drop out of college, or don't get in, you made the cut, and you are capabale getting your degree.
It is important to get your assignments done on time, and you should do so in a timely fashion.
Here are some oganizational and productive tips to help you better get your assignments done:
* Create a list of your assignments, and mark them off as you complete them.
* Try to complete them days in advance, rather than last minute.
* Keep an organized calendar with upcoming assignments and events.
* Ask about tutoring options for difficult to understand homework.
* Have a study session with your peers so that you may work together on assingments.
* Consult your professor for a better understanding of the work.
Once you have taken the time to realize your academic stengths, take one final moment to attend the [[It's fine: Problem Solved]] segment.<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
It is completely normal for your to be unsure about your future goals, and it is also okay for you to be unsure about what major you want to study.
This is a very troubling concept that many deal with, but I am here to tell you that everyhting will be okay.
All it takes is a little bit of time, self reflection, and research.
[[Follow me, and consider the following.]]<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
The following is provided for you to consider and try at your own leisure in hopes of resolving your problem.
* Talk to your manager(s) about increasing your hours.
** This will make you appear more interested in working, and the managers will keep you in mind, when scheduling in the future.
* Consider a second job.
** Maybe, there aren't any extra hours available for you to be scheduled, so finding a second form of income is your best bet.
** Uber/Lyft/DoorDash/Postmates are a few options that you have to make some extra money.
* Sell your old clothes for some extra money in your pockets.
* Pawn old items that you no longer use for extra money.
Once you finish reading through some of your options, please take a moment to reflect in our final segment [[It's fine: Problem Solved]].<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
As a workaholic, you need to learn how to balance relaxation into your busy life.
Take a moment to (text-style: "fade-in-out")[breathe].
Close your eyes, and take some deep breaths.
Now, that you've calmed down, review the list of ways you can start inputting some relaxation time into your busy schedule:
* Request certain days of the week off.
* Keep a calendar, and pencil in your work schedule, as well as, off time for yourself.
* Start sleeping on a regular timed schedule.
** If you are having trouble sleeping, maybe Melatonin is right for you; however, consult with your doctor first.
* Try taking warm soothing baths/showers.
** //Wash your worries away//.
* Try using Aromatherapy.
** Soothing essential oils that help reduce stress.
* Take some time to do soemthing you want to do, outside of work.
* Try Audiotherapy.
** Listen to soothing sounds, music, or voices.
Once you have reviewed your options, take a moment to look over the final [[It's fine: Problem Solved]] segment.<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
Our pride, and some times even our fears will often stop us from asking for help, or stand down in the face of opposition, but by asking for help, or removing yourself from the negative space, not will you be the mature one in the scenario, but you will be safe in extreme circumstances.
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[//Consider this a sign from the powers that be, and the Universe, that there is something even better in the world for you.//]
Take a moment and head over to the final segment, [[It's fine: Problem Solved]].<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
Welcome to the final part of our session, thank you for allowing me, your pocket therapist, to give you a moment of relief from your busy lives. In your session, you have taken the time to reflect on your problems, and have read over some of your options. I hope you take the liberty of putting some of these into action, in hopes of a more positive and balanced lifestlye.
I ask that you close your eyes, and take a couple of deep breaths before exiting the session.
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[Breathe in...]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[Breathe out...]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[Breathe in...]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[Breathe out...]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[Breathe in...]
(text-style: "fade-in-out")[Breathe out...]
I hope you feel better, please stay safe and make sure you treat yourself nicely.
Until next time, my friend.
-//XOXO, Pocket Therapist//<img src="https://i.lensdump.com/i/Iz7mrQ.png" border="0" width="400px" height="400px">
Maybe you are just starting college, or maybe you are already attending college, wondering what it is you want to study is an issue that may affect you during your acadmeic career.
I have provided the following tips and advice for your troubling thoughts in hopes of clearing your mind, and getting you back on track:
* Take some time to refelct on your interests, and think about how you can turn that into your future career.
* Research potential careers of interest.
* Take a career test.
* Until you decide on a major, go for a general studies degree.
* Talk to your academic counselors.
Once you have everything figured out, please complete the rest of our stress reduction segement, [[It's fine: Problem Solved]].